“Without strategy, content is just stuff, and the world has enough stuff.”
- Arjun Basu
Connect > Consult > Propose > Produce > Deliver > Distribute > Analyze > Adjust
Send us an email, give us a call, shoot us a text. However you’d like, let’s connect so we can start the conversation, and see what you have in mind.
This is where we get together to dive deeper into understanding your brand, and the scope of the project. We’ll discuss the details, create a content strategy, and set the expectations.
We’ll provide you with a detailed project proposal for you to review and approve.
Now we’ll get to creating awesome content for your brand. This includes all phases of the production process.
All your content will be delivered to you in the appropriate file formats. If we’re distributing and managing your content, we’ll move to the next step.
Here’s where we make sure your new content gets in front of the right eyes, at the right times in order to maximize its effectiveness.
We’ll use the predetermined KPIs to analyze how effective the content and distribution is.
Using the data we collect, we’ll make recommendations for adjustments to continue to improve results month after month.